Springs Fabrication sponsors local high school in National Robotics Competition

Springs Fabrication was contacted by Nathan Truex, Falcon School District 49’s FIRST Program Director, to participate as a sponsor for the schools FIRST Robotics Competition program.  Mr. Truex and his students were looking for a company that could help them with the manufacture of some of the key components of their design.

The FIRST Company, founded by Dean Kamen, was started to support Mr. Kamen’s vision “to transform our culture by creating a world where science and technology are celebrated and where young people dream of becoming science and technology leaders”.  Their FIRST Robotics Competition is “the varsity sport for the mind”.  FRC combines the excitement of sport with the rigors of science and technology. Under strict rules, limited resources, and time limits, teams of 25 students or more are challenged to raise funds, design a team "brand," hone teamwork skills, and build and program robots to perform prescribed tasks against a field of competitors.  It’s as close to "real-world engineering" as a student can get.  This year’s competition is the 2012 Rebound Rumble.

Springs Fabrication employees worked with the students during their design phase to address design concepts for ease of manufacture.  The students designed a very intricate design in a CAD system that we where able to export and use to manufacture many key structural members.  We are thrilled to be able to work with and support the projects of the future members of the manufacturing and engineering community.
